About Us

My name is Lyndsay.  I am married to Ken and we have two boys, Griffin (6), and Jace (2).  I have spent my life surrounded by boys and boy things (Unfortunately? Fortunately?), and my house smells like feet.  I don’t know if I will ever get used to having two boys, and find myself asking my husband at least once a week, “is that normal?”

I have recently (terrifyingly!) made the big jump to working full time as a family and wedding photographer after working in an office for ten years.  It was a big decision, but I’m looking forward to focussing on all the creative projects that have been stuck in my head for SO long!  Plus, I get to be home for my boys when they get off the school bus, have a snow day, or need a day off to cope with the sniffles.  Am I lucky or what?!

The photos in this blog are right off my camera, unedited, and in auto mode.  This is what happens when you want to capture the moment really fast with a kid hanging off you.  Want to see my good ones?  You’ll have to check out my website or FB page.

What about me?  I am 33 years old.  I was born in PEI, grew up in Nova Scotia, “found myself” in Alberta, followed my dream to the NWT and ended up falling in love with a guy living in Nova Scotia (see how it comes full circle?!)  We got married in 2005.  Growing up, I wanted to be a dancer, an artist and a musician.  I wanted to be anything that everyone said was “not a real job” and prove them wrong.  I still want to do that.

I started this blog as a creative outlet to share stories about the highs and lows of parenthood, but it has evolved into so much more.  Here I get to share our life with family and friends who live all across the world – how exciting is that?  This blog challenges my creativity and imagination, and has allowed me to connect (and in some cases, reconnect) with an amazing world of people just like me!

My life is kind of crazy, and my boys are my world.  I have big dreams for all of us 🙂

Hope you enjoy our adventures!

It’s us!

Our family photo is courtesy of Gillian at Tangled Tree Photography.

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