Wednesday Quickie – Battling the Sicks and a “Special Photo”

Ken snapped this pic of me and the boys last night:


Just ignore the fact that the boys are eating popcorn out of mugs with spoons, and that Jace is punching himself in the head.  The important part is that Mommy is in the photo.

Hey Mommies, every once in awhile, you gotta get in the photo!  Even if the photo is, ummm, special.

We’re battling pink eye this week.  It’s lovely and I may not be around as much.  The good news though, is that I have some really exciting things for you, coming very soon, to the TestosterZone.  I’m super excited!  Just a couple of weeks to go……

Happy Wednesday!

When a calm, relaxing, blissful photo shoot goes wrong…

You’ve seen them before.  The beautiful photo shoots of well-behaved children, snuggled up all cute in Mommy and Daddy’s bed, surrounding by cozy piles of lovely white blankets and pillows with amazing light beaming in through the windows.  Mommy and Daddy look on lovingly while their angels smile sweetly for the camera and create special photographic memories that will find their way onto the walls and loved for years to come.  These photos are heavenly, blissful, calm.

And then there are the photos of my angels, trying to recreate said photo shoot…

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Nailed it.

Mini Vacay to a Beautiful Place

Even though it snowed off and on all day on Saturday (for real!), Ken and I enjoyed a great long weekend in PEI.  And believe or not, we were childless – for almost three whole days – yahoo!!!

A big thank you to Papa and Memere, who graciously offered to come over to look after our littles while we took a little mini vacay to the Island.  The kids were so excited for a visit from Papa and Memere, that I’m positive they didn’t even realize we were gone until we actually got back!

The weather was kind of a bummer (cold, rainy, snowy – blech!), but it was all worth it for the following reasons.  Parents, try not to be jealous 🙂

  • Driving for four hours listening to adult music, with swear words in it!
  • Stopping when we needed to pee.  No diaper changes, no Goldfish Crackers, no juice boxes, no cartoons.
  • We had lunch together.  At a real restaurant.  With real cutlery!!  No one got stabbed, spilled on, screamed at, or ate anything that begins with “Mc.”  Amazing.
  • We got ice cream.  I didn’t have to wipe anyone’s face or hands, or clean up any car seats afterward.  Ken got a double scoop because we didn’t have to buy two extra cones.
  • We visited with family, and actually heard what everyone had to say (even if there were a few questionable conversations…)
  • We went for drives.  I took photos.  Ahhhhh…..
  • And here’s the kicker – we went to a movie.  We even showed up 30 minutes early so we could sit in the quiet theatre and eat popcorn in silence.  Totally worth it just for that, right?

I am from PEI, and every time I go back to visit, I love it even more.  Not only because of the beautiful scenery, but because it just feels good.  The people are nice, the food is good, and there is space to stretch out.  And did I mention it’s beautiful?



How could you not love that?

Everybody Needs a Little Time Away….

…from their brother.

When things get too loud, (even though he is often a key contributer to the noise), Griffin needs to take a break.  He’s like his Mama in that way.  Every once in awhile we just need some quiet time – alone.  I totally get it.


And Mommy and Daddy’s bed is the perfect place to snuggle up with the iPad and some Pokemon videos.

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It’s a long weekend on our side of the border.  Any plans?  This is what I want to do all weekend, maybe with a new book?  Ahhhh…..


Even if I could do that, I know it would be short-lived.  Because all good things (like quiet time, and long weekends!) must come to an end.  But that’s ok, especially when something this cute is the reason for the interruption:


Trouble, trouble 🙂

Have a great weekend!

Spring Mini Sessions!

So, if you haven’t heard yet, I’m running a Spring photo special in May – yay!  I usually wait until Fall to do mini-sessions, but I couldn’t wait this year.  The weather has just been so terrible this winter, and now that the sun is out, I think we deserve to have a little fun!

I blogged all the details of these mini-sessions over on my photography blog, so feel free to pop over and check it out.  I went out on a limb and decided to make the theme “best friends” this time around, and I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.  There’s just somethig so special about about hanging out with your own bestie, or seeing your child with theirs, right?

Here is the ad I made for Facebook and for my website…click on it for more detail 🙂

Besties Special

Want some more info?  Ready to book?  You can reach me at, or visit my website at

I am SO excited to see you, and meet your best friend(s) too!

Happy Monday 🙂