We Had An Army Party!

Well, it’s been another busy week around here.  We’re all adjusting to our new schedule (very well I might add) and despite my best efforts to keep him at age four, my big boy turned five this week.  I have a five-year old.  He goes to school and everything.  Yikes.  I think I aged five years myself this week 🙂

So because I couldn’t keep him from turning five, we decided to celebrate with a party this weekend.  Everyone deserves a party on their birthday, don’t you think?  Awhile back, Griff told me that he wanted an army party this year, and I was SO excited.  After a bit of searching online, we decided on a “boot camp” styled party, so my goal was to turn our backyard into a “basic training” obstacle course – fun, right?

Yes, it was fun.  And it was easy and it didn’t cost much.  We used supplies we already had, printables we found online, and a cake we made ourselves.  The goal was to focus on the fun and not so much the details.  I enlisted (pun intended) the help of anyone I could to help with the prep work, including the birthday boy himself.  Here he is decorating his own cake:

My Mother, MIL and I did the cookie crumb road, the blue sugar water and the green sugar grass.  Mom made the cake.  Griffin did everything else himself.

And the final product:

Yup, that’s the best pic I could get of him…with some sort of chip in his mouth.  Typical Griff 🙂

For the party, I created these invitations:

It was important to specify the type of party we were having and to let everyone know to dress appropriately, since we knew they would be crawling on the ground and maybe getting a little wet or dirty.

When the “troops” arrived at our house, they saw this sign in the driveway, leading them into the backyard:

They then arrived at the check in table, where they were issued a camo bandana and told where to wait until the rest of the troops arrived.

(Printables are from the blog Seven Thirty Three, an awesome blog with lots of party ideas and other creative projects).

This is what the backyard looked like.  We set up a tent to provide some shade in case it got too hot, or in case of a bit of rain.  Hurricane Leslie was on her way at the time, so we weren’t sure what to expect.  We had no real back-up plan if it poured, so we lucked out!

Griffin helped set everything up.  He loved being a part of the whole party planning process this year and took a lot of pride in making sure his friends would like his party.  In the above photo, he wanted to make sure each of his friends would have a bottle of water and a juice box.  He even made a “trade-in” area with other types of juice boxes in case someone didn’t like the kind he gave them.  He’s a teacher in the making; of that I’m sure.

Our obstacle course had ten “stations.”  The kids were told they had to complete each obstacle in order to earn their dog tags.

Our “stations” were:

1.  Jump through a ladder (an old bunk bed ladder) and across a balance beam (a 2×4 on blocks)

2. Crawling through the trenches (crawling under a saw horse).  I used caution tape everywhere I could – see above pics.  It looks authentic and super cool.

3.  Jumping jacks.  Every soldier must be in top condition.

4.  Grenade toss.  Homemade bean bags tossed into a bucket.

5. Retrieve a wounded soldier.  We buried green plastic army men in a bucket filled with play sand.  Troops had to find one and deliver him to the hospital

6. Deliver wounded soldier to the hospital.  The “hospital” was our playset.  Troops had to climb the ladder, toss their soldier in a bucket then slide down the slide.

7. Jump through hoops.  A couple of hula hoops on the ground that the troops had to jump through.

8.  Shoot the bad guys.  The most popular station by far 🙂  We set up three plastic army men on a plastic saw horse, covered it in caution tape and gave the troops little water pistols to shoot them off.  In hindsight, I would have bought enough water guns for all the kids to have their own.  The boys loved it and played with the water guns long after they were done with the course.

9. Receive your dog tags.  I bought blank aluminum dog tags from Etsy (about $7USD + shipping for 20 tags).  I already had a stamp set and made one with each of the troops’ name on it.

10. CHOW!  We had pizza, chips, cheesies, water, juice and cake.

(Water bottles printables are from Seven Thirty Three, and yes, I realise they say US Army…it’s the best I could come up with!  And they look great, so I used them)

An army party is a great choice for boys.  They did the obstacle course over and over and over, and hopefully went home tired and happy.  I made goody bags for our troops which included plastic army men, marble “grenades” and assorted camo-coloured candy.  I used plastic camo bags from the dollar store and tied them up with caution tape.

Army party = happy soldiers

Hope you had a great weekend too.  And if you live in NS, I hope you’re staying dry today 😦



I’ll Write More When I Stop Hyperventilating

AKA: The first day of school.

It was a double whammy for us this morning – Griffin’s 5th birthday AND the first day of school.  Needless to say, he was excited when he woke up this morning!

We were excited too, although it was tough to let him go.  Ken was a little sad when he left for work this morning, but so, so proud of his little bestie.

Griff was so anxious to get on that big yellow bus, that he was ready about 45 minutes before it was time to go – first time ever from the kid who would never leave the house if he didn’t have to 🙂

Me?  I was excited for him, but worried about the things that Mamas worry about when their littles start school – would he be able to figure out which snack was for recess?  Would he have enough time to finish his lunch?  What if he was too shy to tell his teacher he needed to go to the bathroom?  What if he couldn’t find a seat on the bus?  Oh, my head hurt this morning.  But this boy, he was confident.

Nana came over to walk with us this morning so I could take pictures.  As IF Nana would miss the first day of school 🙂  And, conveniently, Grampie just happened to be driving in the area at about the same time the bus was scheduled to come.  Weird 🙂

We walked up the road in the pouring rain to our bus stop and waited for what seemed like forever for that bus to come around the corner.  But you should have seen his face when he saw his bus pull up.  I think he’s been dreaming about this day since he could dream.

It gets a little fuzzy after that.  All I know is that our boy hopped up onto that bus (with some help from Grampie because his little legs couldn’t reach the first step) and he didn’t look back.  Not a glance, not a wave.  All I saw was a little birthday boy about to face the world.  He walked away from his Mama, smiling, proud and happy, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I’m so excited and filled with love and hope for my Griffy, my heart feels like it’s going to explode.  As I write this, I’m remembering his first steps, his first words, his first day at pre-school.  This is another milestone, another ‘first’ in a list that will never end and I fill with pride when I think about the ‘firsts’ that are still to come.

So as I sit here, typing, I find myself watching the clock, anxious for the school bus to come back so I can hug my boy and listen to him tell me all about his first day of ‘big school.’  I expect him to be speaking so fast with excitement that I will wonder what language he’s speaking.  And his speech will surely end with “where’s my birthday cake?”

So, Happy First Day of School and Happy Birthday to my biggest boy.  I wish you a lifetime of success and accomplishments.



A New Week, a New Sponsor, and a New Life

Hi!  I’m Rex.

I love humans, kitties, toast and snuggles.

Aren’t I handsome?

I walk well on my leash, I love kids and I hardly ever bark.  I don’t jump up on anyone and I try hard to be on my best behaviour.  I really try to be a good boy.

But can you believe somebody didn’t want me?  I don’t know what I did wrong…

Maybe it’s because I’m middle aged.  Maybe it’s because I’m a bit overweight.  Or maybe it’s because my family had to move to a place that didn’t let dogs live there too.  I’m not even sure if Rex is my real name.

I’m so happy that some nice people came by one day to take me out of the shelter I was living.  The nice people took me on a long road trip to a place called Nova Scotia.  They gave me hugs and kisses and lots of scratches behind my ears.  I heard them say that if they hadn’t taken me that day, I may not have made it out of that place alive.

They told me they were going to find me a new family, a family that would love me forever.  They told me I was going to have a good life.  I was so happy to be with the nice people that I rested my heard on their laps for the whole 15 hour drive home.

It was so awesome that 13 of my friends got to come on the road trip with me to Nova Scotia too!  Most of them have homes already and they haven’t even been here for two weeks, isn’t that great?!

I wonder what happened to the friends I had to leave behind?

I guess I’ll never know what happened to them.  I hope they found some nice people to help them out.  I hope they find some special humans who can speak up and say things like “it’s not alright to abandon your dog,” and “it’s not alright to hit your dog;” because it’s not.

Because we can’t talk, you know.

I’m a lucky dog, but I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for some very special people at Cool Dog Rescue.  You should check them out, they’re pretty special.  Because of them, I get to play outside every day.  I don’t have to live in a cage anymore.  And I have a family who is going to love me forever.  That’s all I really wanted.

So that’s Rex.  This beautiful boy has been staying with us since Friday, and we are steps away from signing his adoption papers.  Every time I look at him, I just can’t believe that for whatever reason, somebody didn’t want him.  He’s been such a sweet boy and we are happy he will be joining our family.  The kids love him, we love him, and the cat tolerates him – an almost perfect combination 🙂  A big thanks to Cool Dog Rescue for hooking us up with this awesome dude.  Please check them out on Facebook for full details on what they do.

Clearly, it’s been a busy week around here!  Summer is in full swing, I know this by looking at the calendar.  There is something almost every day.  I’m tired just thinking about it.

The boys are loving it though.  I really just wish we could keep pants on them…

Obviously, that is asking too much, and I’m just going to have to get used to summers full of pants-less, shoe-less boys!  Oh well, at least they’re keeping their underwear/diapers on for now 🙂

I’m also super happy to introduce a new company to the blog this week!  Please welcome Paula George to our list of lovely sponsors.  Paula is a Scentsy rep, and if you haven’t heard of this company yet, get ready to fall in love.

I have three Scentsy warmers in my house right now and I totally want more!

From Paula:

There are some great specials going on for the month of July!  The first one is the Bring Back My Bar which is a selection of 20 of the most popular “retired” scents as voted by Scentsy Customers.  These 20 scents are available for the month of July ONLY.  Some scents to try are Maui Mist, Go-Go-Goji & Cutiepie Cupcake.

July is also “Get The Most When you Host Month”.  When you host a Scentsy Wickless Party in the month of July, not only will you get to share the warmers and scents of the season with your friends and family, you can also earn up to 3 FREE gifts — in addition to the free product and half-price items you’ll earn for Host Rewards.

Awesome huh?  Seriously, you gotta check this product out!  They make great gifts too 🙂  Paula’s button will be over on the sidebar for the next few months, check back every once in a while for updates and the latest deals from Scentsy!  You can reach Paula by email, or check out her website for more info.

See you on Wednesday!

Studio Grand Opening

A super big thanks to those who came out to help celebrate my grand opening on Saturday!  It was amazing to see so many friends in one day 🙂

Thanks to my awesome Mom, there were lots of goodies 🙂

I was so excited to hand out information packages and my new booklets I had made about photo gallery arrangements:

I was also happy to display and promote awesome products from some of my very good friends, like Jackie from Jackie Bowman Designs, Sasha from Silver Frame Productions, Maggie from Magpie’s Menagerie, Paula from Scentsy, and Gill from Tangled Tree Photography.  You are always better when you are part of a team.  I love these ladies and am looking forward to many years of working together and supporting one another.

The bookshelf, as well as much of the rest of the studio, was styled by Wendy from Link Interiors.  I think she did an awesome job, what do you think?

And everyone loved the chalkboard wall!  I’ve got to admit, I think it may be my favorite part too…

 Although the gallery wall in the “baby room” is pretty cool too.  I love that it gives me a chance to display some of my favorite pieces.  And yes, I am offering canvas prints now, along with traditional framing and a variety of other products.

Do you like the stripes?  I wasn’t so sure at first, but Wendy convinced me they would look great and she was right!  Now I love them 🙂

Oh, I can’t can’t forget to thank my dear friend, Gary, who showed up with this:

Cool huh?!

Thanks so much to everyone who helped out.  To those who brought wine and flowers – thank you.  To those who built fences and fixed broken walkways – thank you.  To those who looked after kids and swept up cupcake crumbs – thank you.  To those who came with big smiles and big hugs – THANK YOU!!

Now that I’m finally in business, I guess it’s time to get to work!  I’ve got big plans for this place 🙂